It’s a Potoo – No, I’m not sneezing

Birdwatching on the Girasol Trail, Santa Fe National Park

First Question: Can you see him?

Though this Great Potoo is considered a species of least concern by the IUCN, Cele says that this is only the second time in his life that he’s gotten a glimpse of this nocturnal bird.  When he was walking on the Girasol Trail, he saw him and had to take this picture.  The bird camaflagues so well into the tree, that it took me a bit to find him in the picture!

Cele says when he was a kid, his dad told him that this birds nocturnal cries were “The man who lives in the Valley”.  If he didn’t go to bed by the time the man from the valley started calling for him, the man would come looking for him.  When he was about 13, he was out in the fields and heard the man from the valley, saw the bird, and put two and two together.

From Wikipedia – listen to his call



Great Potoo on Trail to Golondrinas
Great Potoo on Trail to Golondrinas