Off – trail trekking with dad to Guayabito Falls, Santa Fe National Park.

My dad. Looking over Santa Fe National Park in Piragual

My dad is turning 70 this year.  For the past fifteen years or so he has been into hiking the Sierra Nevadas on solo trips or with a friend or two for a few days.  He looks on google, looks on topo maps and plans a backcountry trip.   Off -trail.

This summer, he came up to help baby-sit Rafael during our high season for a month, and I got to take him out in a totally different landscape in Santa Fe National Park and explore myself some too!  For our new overnight tour, we are targeting families and those who want to have nature and a cultural exchange, spending the night in a remote village with a hike … but where.  We settled on this waterfall that Edgar knew about, and hour’s hike, according to him.  So, of course, I wanted to check it out.


Edgar, looking guidelike on the trail.

So, we started hiking at 9.  Evidently the trail was overgrown, so Edgar opened it up again with the machete.  Going was slow and it took us a good 3 hrs to arrive.

But it was a beautiful time, if lengthy…and at the end:

It was an amazing hike, and no, not too hard at all.