
Motmot bird found in back of hotel
Motmot hanging out by the creek

Celestino captured this picture of a Motmot this week. He (the bird, not my husband) was hanging out near the creek towards the back of our property.

Motmots are a type of neotropical bird.   I was trying to find a bit more about them online, and one interesting fact according to the Rainforest Alliance – they hang out in rainforests, secondary growth (forests that have been cut and are regrowing)….and coffee farms – near creeks!  Check, check and check!

If you don’t know, we’ve replanted coffee on some of our land, at a small scale.   Though our plants are just 8 months old, I am hoping that we’re seeing some benefit of the habitat friendly structure.  The shaded canopy of trees with plants underneath  lets birds rest and search for those yummy insects is what they appreciate. Evidently they also nest in tunnels, often in creek banks.  Hope they keep on coming back.