Father Hector Gallego: kidnapped in Santa Fe, Veraguas

Statue of Father Gallego near the town square in Santa Fe, Veraguas, Panama
A statue of the kidnapped Father Gallego stands near the town square in Santa Fe, Veraguas, Panama. SOURCE: oremosjuntos.com

In a previous post about the coffee cooperative in Santa Fe, Veraguas, I promised a story about a statue, a priest and a kidnapping.  Here we go.  Near the town square in Santa Fe, you’ll see one and only one statue – it is Father Hector Gallego who worked in Veraguas from the late 1960s to 1971.  He is notable, not only for his faith, but that he stood up for something, and worked towards a future that is greater than himself.

Overview of Father Hector Gallego

In the 1970s, a young Catholic priest from Colombia came to Santa Fe when land and farming was controlled by four main families who were also allied with governmental leaders.  He organized the poorer campesinos into cooperatives, suggested a plan for development of Santa Fe to the government, received threats for his work, his house was burned down, and weeks later, he was kidnapped and dragged away one night in full sight of witnesses, and was never seen again.  Investigations pointed to involvement of the police (national guard), as well as a couple of accomplices.  While a trial was held, there is still much mystery and rumor of additional involvement surrounding the case.

Cooperative in Santa Fe, a Legacy

Today, there are a couple of related cooperatives who trace their beginnings back to Father Gallego’s efforts to mobilize and unite the campesinos for a better future.  The coffee cooperative, with its own label, and over 50 small scale farmers is one of them.  His statue stands in the town square near the entrance to one of the cooperatives.






Panama: Report of the Commission of Truth

“Jesus Herrera Héctor Gallego. CV-D-Missing 
 035-01. Santa Fe, Veraguas Province, June 9, 1971.

Record of Hector Gallego 
 victim was 33 years old, a Colombian national. Catholic priest was responsible for the Church of Santa Fe, Veraguas province.


Father Héctor Gallego was forced by two subjects to be mounted on a jeep with a white top, the night of June 9, 1971, as stated by witnesses Jacinto Peña y Clotilde Toribio de Peña in the summary of the case.

Two men came to the residence of Jacinto Pena Abrego, located in the town of Santa Fe, in the province of Veraguas asking for Father Gallego. The priest woke up and came to the door…. According to (the witness), he could not make out the faces of the people who came, because he was inside the house, while Gallego was talking to these people. But I heard them tell the Father that he should accompany them to headquarters by higher order. “Father refused at first, but then they said something quietly, Father agreed and went into the house to get dressed … asked him (the witness) to be quiet and he (the priest) went with them.  Both witnesses saw the how the priest walking between the two men and heard him cry out.  They went outside to see what was happening, but the men rushed out of the place with him in the jeep.  He was not seen again…Several testimonies of people of Santa Fe have pointed suspicion to the police, and [individuals].

The Truth Commission considered:

a. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that Jesus Hector Gallego Herrera was arrested by the National Police and  disappeared while in the custody of the armed forces.

b. Therefore, it can be concluded that it was committed against the violation of their right to life enshrined in Article 19 of the 1946 Constitution, in Article 1 of the American Declaration of Rights and Duties of Man and in Article 3 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and also violated the principle of good faith in signing agreements and treaties, Article 4 on the right to life, of the American Convention on Human Rights, signed, but not ratified by the Republic of Panama. “

Panama Portal and We are Tour Guides

Lauren from Panama Portal in Santa Fe, Veraguas
Lauren in Santa Fe National Park, Veraguas Source: Panama Portal

Last week we had Lauren, from Panama Portal, a website focusing on Panama travel, stop by!   Check out her review of our hotel, and  trip highlights in Santa Fe:

Our hotel: Coffee Mountain Inn:  Highlights about our hotel

The Orchid House in Santa Fe, Panama: Read about the local orchid growers

Wandering the Backroads of Santa Fe, Panama: Local adventures and great views

Santa Fe, Coffee, Two year wait

Small Coffee Plants
Our coffee plants at the hotel are tiny still

I know I’ve mentioned the morning Cafe Tute cup of coffee.

Here’s the neat thing about Cafe Tute and it’s sister brand Coffee Santa Fe – it’s part of a locally owned and operated cooperative. No big farms here, just rural people with a couple of acres making some extra cash.  There is a small coffee factory in town where the coffee is processed, toasted, ground, and packaged.

And it’s good stuff with a story of past poverty, a statue, a priest, a disappearance and expanding business.  (Lead for next time!)

What are coffee cooperatives?

With the Santa Fe Coffee Cooperative at least, it’s a business owned by farmers.  The cooperative gives locals the coffee plants, fertilizer and training in exchange for them agreeing to grow, take care of, and harvest coffee for a certain amount of time (seven years).  Coffee beans, when harvested, are sold back to Santa Fe Cooperative’s Processing Plant.  The farmer receives a portion of the profits and so to does the cooperative.

Do you grow coffee?

Our inn was part of a historical coffee producing area, turned to ranching.  Calling it a coffee plantation sounds great, but the fact loving girl in me says that would be misleading.  Here, traditionally, coffee is not grown in unicrop plantations, but interspersed with other tree crops, like oranges and lemons -that can provide shade.This provides a diversity of plants, increasing resilience both to pests and for farmers against bad crop years.  Some say that the coffee in Santa Fe even has a citrus note to it because of this.

When we built the inn in 2012, we replanted coffee plants from the cooperative of a couple different classes.  It takes about three years for plants to start producing.  They are midgets right now, and we are fighting with the leaf cutter ants who seem to be big fans of coffee plants.



Parrots, Sunrise, Park, and Coffee

I had the perfect moment last week: an AM cup of coffee last week on the hotel’s back terrace, and I think I can attribute half of perfection to the coffee (Cafe Tute – local brand, yum!) and half to the view, and a little smidge on top to the parrots that were flying and landing on the trees…we’ll ignore the fact that I spilled the coffee…

View from Coffee Mountain Hotel to Tabasara Mountain Rainge


And The Parrots

And Coffee! Yes, I spilled, distracted by the sunrise.